oK. If you're like me, you are going to want to find a camera that has all the beeps and whistles and all the ease of functionality. Here it is. Sony has gone and produced a true 24p HD camera, with variable frame rates. It features MPEG HD and DVCAM switchable recording with three 1/2-inch HD CCDs, and is capable of recording 1080 video lines of multiple frame rates at a high bit rate of up to 35 Mbps, AND in the well used DVCAM format. It also provides four channels of high-quality uncompressed audio. This provides an SD to HD migration path to a complete HD-based environment. It satill has the standard SD, but the instant random access and reply of clips, IT network capability, and Proxy data operation, are completely brand new options. It's clear to me that they're goal here is provide and all-in-one camera, and in my eyes, it's just what Sony has done.
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